About Us
My Gift of Health is a free website dedicated to a personal commitment to the pursuit of better health.
What is a gift?
Does it need to come wrapped in a box? Does it always require a financial expenditure? This site lists different options for giving time, love and dedication, in the form of a health pledge. There are options to modify your pledge, based on the amount of time and energy you plan to invest. Make a one-time pledge, or try changing your health practices for a month, a year, or any length of time in between. It is our hope that once you realize the benefit of quitting smoking, eating a healthier diet, exercising regularly, getting maintenance healthcare, and so forth, a month's experiment may lead to permanent change.
No, a gift does not have to cost money.
And a pledge can mean more, and reflect greater sacrifice and commitment, than a material gift. Thank you for visiting and using this site, and please share this idea with others. We plan to add other gift options on a continuing basis in the future.
There is no charge for the services provided by My Gift of Health. This is a non-profit site and does not accept advertising. We are also not equipped to accept donations. Thank you!